Want to Sell Your Home?
We get the job done! Our agents are among the top producers in the Triad and assisted in the sale of more than 100 homes in 2016 alone! I don’t tell you this to impress you, but instead to impress upon you that our systems flat out work! Thanks to our time-tested, multi-tiered approach to selling real estate, you can count on The Agency – Newsom Homes to attract the most buyers, sell your home in the least amount of time, for the highest price possible.
We are here to help!
Most agents are one-man shows with limited resources, time & energy, juggling several clients with little or no help and limited funds. With The Agency - Newsom Homes, you get an entire TEAM working for you! Nobody can be great at everything.
My team is extremely specialized in the industry. That’s why we have an Operations Manager, 2 Buyers Specialists & Closing Coordinator. Wouldn’t you rather have a whole team working to sell your home, rather than a single agent? Our approach aligns resources to aggressively market your property and see your transaction through every step to successful completion, with every “i” dotted and every “t” crossed for peace of mind for you!